Marcus Curtius


Surname Distribution Maps

Sometimes it is possible to guess where a surname originated through surname distribution maps. These maps graphically display locations where surnames occurred at different periods in time. This strategy provides genealogists with a starting point for research in the birth country, when that information cannot be discovered through sources recorded in the new country of settlement. It works particularly well for less-common surnames and among families that have stayed in the same European locations for centuries. See FamilySearch Surname Distribution Maps (Worldwide links):-

Below are some examples from "Geogen" for our Curtius, Curtze, Korte, Kurtze, Kurz & Kurze surname distribution in Germany.

Geogen v3.1.4189 © 2005-2012 Christoph Stöpel

Curtius surname distribution for 122 persons in Germany in 2012.

CurtzeCurtze surname distribution for 37 persons in Germany in 2012.
KorteKorte surname distribution for 3822 persons in Germany in 2012.
KurtzeKurtze surname distribution for 285 persons in Germany in 2012.
KurzKurz surname distribution for 10255 persons in Germany in 2012.
KurzeKurze surname distribution for 870 persons in Germany in 2012.


Find the geographical distribution of your surname in Austria, Germany, The Netherlands or Switzerland by clicking one of these links:

Geogen is the short form for "geographical genealogy" which means location based ancestor research. On this website you can create maps which show the distribution of surnames in Germany and Austria. Significant concentrations can point to a local root of the family or of the family name:






Meertens Instituut:


FamilySearch Surname Distribution Maps (Worldwide links):-





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